With a warm start to our late fall/winter I worry about the possibility of predators getting to my chickens. Hungry predators getting ready for the long winter are on the prowl looking for food and if my chickens are not secure it is just as likely as not that they could be on the menu. Losing chickens or for that matter ducks and turkeys, to predators of all kinds (that includes dogs who find your coop an easy meal) is common and it is heartbreaking. It only takes one break in to ... [ Read More ]
Caring For Turkeys
This year we decided that aside from our chickens and ducks we would try to raise some turkeys for our holiday table. Turkeys are not any harder to raise than chickens are and although they do require some special considerations it can be well worth your time to raise a few turkeys and enjoy the pure pleasure and satisfaction of eating a fresh turkey for Thanksgiving. There is more than one reason to raise turkeys, not only can raising your own turkeys give you a source of healthy ... [ Read More ]
What to do for Chickens in Extreme Heat
We are not the only ones that suffer from the heat outdoors, with temperatures soaring into the 100s throughout much of the US many of us are watching as our animals struggle with the heat as well. We can keep our dogs and cats outside but when you have a large flock of birds that is not an option and yet the temperatures that our nation has seen this week can have a serious affect on your flock if you are not prepared. I have never had to deal with heat and chickens before this ... [ Read More ]
Taking Care of your New Baby Chicks
Getting Ready If you have just come home from the feed store with a box full of baby chicks you may not know how to take care of them and while most hatcheries may give you lots of information about your chicks if you need more information then I hope this helps. Getting ready for your chicks before they arrive is very important, your chicks will likely be stressed regardless of where you got them from and bringing them into a warm place that is already set up for them can really help to ... [ Read More ]
Why Chickens Quit Laying
When chickens quit laying, it can be frustrating to families and farmers counting on the eggs for food and income. There are a number of different factors that influence laying hens and can disrupt their production or even cause it to cease for a period of time. These variables include: Shorter day length Molting Broodiness Age Nutritional deficiencies Stress As the days shorten in the summer and fall, egg production typically drops off accordingly. Hens respond to the ... [ Read More ]