In this hectic hustle and bustle life, I think that people sometimes forget how to have a good old-fashioned (and inexpensive) date night. While there's nothing wrong with splurging on an expensive evening, I've found that my favorite memories came from spur-of-the-moment, inexpensive dates. So this year, why not create a fun Old-Fashioned date jar for your loved one and fill it with cheap date ideas to do year round! To create your own date jar, find a pretty jar at the thrift store or ... [ Read More ]
Old Valentine’s Day Traditions
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so I wanted to shoot out a quick post about some of the fun old fashioned traditions associated with the most romantic day of the year. For example, did you know that it was commonly believed that the first bird (or small animal) a woman saw on Valentine's Day would predict what her husband would be like or do for a living? Here are some examples: ... [ Read More ]
DIY Seed Starter Valentine Gift
So, I admit I'm pretty terrible at doing Valentine's gifts for my loved ones. I never know what to get. If you're like me and trying to find something that's both inexpensive and unique, then check out this freaking adorable little Valentine's seed starter from Hands Occupied!! You can get the full instructions and DIY walkthrough here. Personally, I am not the biggest fan of mason jars (I know, I'm awful) so I'd be more tempted to just go to the thrift store and find an adorable cup, glass, ... [ Read More ]
10 Best Homemade Kids Valentines Cards
As a kid, my favorite part of Valentine's Day was finding the perfect little valentine to give to all of my friends and classmates. While you can purchase a whole pack of valentines at just about any store, instead why not have some good old fashioned fun at home and make homemade valentines? Not only will they mean more, but your kids will have a blast making them! Here are 10 of my favorite homemade valentines ideas from around the web: ... [ Read More ]
How To Have an Old Fashioned Valentines Day
Well, February might not be here yet, but the stores are already bedecked out in red and pink in preparation for Valentine's Day. And, while I am as much of a fan of all that chocolate as any other girl, I can't help but feel like a lot of the romance is lost with the commercialization of the most romantic day of the year. If you're looking for some ways to help make your Valentine's Day even more romantic and old-fashioned than ever, then check out these tips for an affordable, fun and of ... [ Read More ]