Raising chickens can be a fantastic option for your homestead. They are easy to care for, don't require a lot of space, and can act as a great introduction to livestock. However, unlike dogs, cats, or even cows, chickens are not something that most people really know anything about. And, if you're new to raising chickens, it can be hard to find places to find information on where to begin. So, today I'm going to go over 10 of the questions that I get asked the most about chickens below. If ... [ Read More ]
How to Fix a Broody Hen
I'm sure that everyone has heard of the stereotype that, at a certain age, a woman will start to want children. While I can't say that it's necessarily true that all humans will eventually go through a phase where they just desperately want children, it's actually very common in some breeds of chicken. It's called brooding and if your goal is to get eggs out of your girls, then it can be quite a big problem. Brooding is when a hen will decide, for whatever reason, that they really want to ... [ Read More ]
10 Reasons You Should Keep Backyard Chickens
Chickens are a fantastic addition to the homestead. It's completely bewildering to me why more people don't have these quirky little birds hopping around their yards. Whether you're more interested in eggs or keeping chickens for meat purposes or for laying, there are plenty of benefits to having chickens clucking around your yard. Here are ten reasons why you need chickens: 1. You'll always have fresh eggs Eggs are delicious and nutritious, and there's nothing better than a fresh egg that ... [ Read More ]
How to Prepare Your Chickens For Winter
For most of the year, chickens are actually surprisingly simple to care for and require little maintenance. However, making sure that your chicken coop is properly winterized is absolutely paramount to the health of your feathered flock—especially as the temperatures continue to drop. So, today, here are some things that to keep in mind in order to prepare yourself and your girls for the cold days ahead. ... [ Read More ]
8 Questions to Decide What Animals to Raise
Starting your own homestead can be both rewarding and extremely daunting. There is so much to learn, and while a lot of it really is going to be a live-and-learn opportunity, there some things that can be researched ahead of time. Without a doubt the two primary questions that I see new homesteaders asking revolve around what plants to have in a garden, and what animals to raise on your homestead. Today I want to focus on the animal question, and we'll get into the gardening question in ... [ Read More ]
Things You Should and Should Not Feed Chickens
Chickens can be extremely entertaining and useful to have around the homestead. They can also be extremely valuable, providing eggs and meat as well as helping control bugs. Plus, they're a lot of fun to watch! While there are a lot of things you can feed your chickens aside from feed to keep them healthy and happy, there are also some things that ought to be avoided. Things you should feed your chickens Every chicken is a little different, but in addition to a balanced feed diet, here are ... [ Read More ]
Protect Your Chickens from Bird Flu
If you've been keeping an eye on the news at all, then you're probably aware that there is a particularly nasty strain of bird flu going around and causing all kinds of trouble for fowl in Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, 15 other states and various countries around the world. Egg prices have skyrocketed a shocking 58% in the wake of so many chickens becoming infected--around 47 million or more, some say. Now, I'd love to say that I'm an expert on this sort of thing, but viruses aren't something ... [ Read More ]
Gifts for Your Favorite Furry and Feathered Friends
I don’t know about you but I like to include the feathered and furry friends in my Christmas planning. They may not know it is Christmas but they certainly appreciate the thought you put into the extras you get for them. It is also a great way to teach kids compassion and love for all living beings. In addition to donating to your local animal shelter or charity program that helps keep pets fed and in their homes, don’t forget to add a little something extra to ... [ Read More ]
Plant Something for Your Chickens When Planting Your Garden
A question I have pondered a lot is whether or not I can grow my own chicken food. I have heard both those that said I could, and those that said it was not a good idea. I find it hard to believe that feeding your chickens off the land is either not possible or not advisable. But more importantly than that I have come to believe that growing your own chicken food is not only safe but is much better for your chickens. I can draw on a lot of experiences for this thought, ... [ Read More ]