So you've made the jump and decided to get chickens? Congratulations! Chickens are a fantastic addition to any homestead. Not only do they provide delicious meat and eggs for the family, but they're an absolute riot and will help control things like bugs as well. There are tons of benefits of having chickens, in fact. However, if you've never had chickens before, then you're in the right place! Whenever you create your first chicken coop, there are a handful of mistake that virtually everyone ... [ Read More ]
Things to Plant to Attract Butterflies and Bees to Your Yard
Growing up in the country, I sort of took bees and butterflies for granted. My mother planted a lot of different flowers which attracted both to our yard. The biggest culprits for all the butterflies were two gigantic lilac bushes in the back yard. However, there aren't as many butterflies around my house now, and I can't remember the last time I saw more than one bee at a time. So, being the nature-oriented person I am, I decided to look into what plants tend to attract such insects, and lo ... [ Read More ]
Is Homesteading Right For You?
If you're here, then there's a good chance that you've been thinking about homesteading for a while now or you've got your own budding homestead already. The benefits of homesteading are many, and it's not hard to find a homesteading blog that will show you all the wonderful things about it, from cuddly-looking chicks to yummy homemade bread and sunny fields. It's easy to look at it and think that homesteading is the perfect life. But there's way more to the story than you realize. In fact, ... [ Read More ]
13 Herbs Every Herb Garden Needs
There's nothing that quite beats being able to harvest fresh herbs from your very own garden, be it a formal garden outside or an indoor herb garden on a windowsill. Every chef should have their own herb garden, but with that comes the question of what are the best herbs to grow. While you should really be sure to only grow herbs that you'll actually use, there are a few staples that should be in most gardens. Keep in mind that if you're going to grow these herbs all in one giant container ... [ Read More ]
Common Homesteading Mistakes to Avoid
There is something exciting and amazing about owning your own homestead. There's a lot of freedom that comes from being able to grow your own food and have your own land and basically just do things your own way. Of course, there's a lot of work too and a lot of things that can go wrong, especially if you don't go about it the right way. Homesteading is definitely a little trial and error, but the more you know to start, the better off you'll be. So, before you start your own adventure into ... [ Read More ]
8 Useful Herbs That Also Repel Bugs
While I absolutely love the great outdoors, I could definitely do without having to deal with all of the bugs. I know that they're necessary for the ecosystem, but that doesn't mean that I like them or want them in my garden and my house. Mosquitoes are the worst culprits, although there are plenty of other bugs that I'd be all too happy to keep away. However, being an old-fashioned gal, I prefer not to just drench myself, my house, and my yard in chemicals, so instead I look for more natural ... [ Read More ]
How to Prep for a Power Outage
When you're living out in the country, far away from the city, it's important to be prepared for anything. When I was a child, we used to lose power to the house basically every time it stormed too hard. Sometimes it would flicker then come back on, and sometimes it would be out for a couple hours and we would just go to bed early or pick up a book or a board game instead of watching a movie. As a result, there were certain precautions that we took every time it rained. And that's just how life ... [ Read More ]
6 Uses for Coca-Cola on the Homestead
From the time I was a teenager all the way into my early 20s, I drank an insane amount of soda. My personal favorite was Vanilla Coke, but I'd happily drink Pepsi or Coca-Cola whenever I had the chance. It's absolutely terrible for you, though, and I've pretty much given up the habit. In fact, I can't even drink soda now—it's so acidic and gross and it hurts my teeth. However, there is way more to soda than simply drinking it. In fact, there are literally dozens of ways that Coca-cola can be ... [ Read More ]
4 Things You Should Know Before Homesteading
Homesteading probably means something a little bit different to everyone. I'm sure those who aren't super familiar with the concept probably picture your classic farming family, living on a bunch of land and getting up at the crack of dawn and working the land all day, but the modern homesteader has opened up a lot of other levels of homesteading. It's something that is defined different for everyone, and even if there are some signs that you might be a homesteader, there are some things to keep ... [ Read More ]