By now you guys know that I am a bit of a clean freak. But, its often overlooked that having a clean home and having an organized home are two very different things. While I am pretty good about making sure my ceiling fans don't have dust on them, and making sure my kitchen cabinets are free of any food or grime, the organization in my house is seriously lacking. The biggest excuses I make for myself are that I am too busy to worry about organizing EVERYTHING, and that my house is too small ... [ Read More ]
How to Prepare Your Home for Winter
With winter creeping in here in the Midwest, I am stuck in that weird transition period where I drive to work with my heat on and when I get off work I roll the windows all the way down! Alas, I can't be quite so careless with my thermostat at home, or our utility bill would be through the roof. So, slowly but surely, I've started to winterize my house for the coming months. I am fairly new at this, so I'd like to share with you some things I already do as well as some things I've discovered, ... [ Read More ]
Homesteading Activities To Stay Busy This Winter
I've been thinking a lot about the upcoming fall and winter months, and how I can improve my homesteading skills during them. Winter can get pretty boring around the homestead, as the garden doesn't need quite as much attention, kids are in school, etc. This might leave us feeling kind of unproductive, which is a feeling I personally hate! So today I want to focus on some skills that can either be started up or improved on in the coming months. Pre-Gardening Unfortunately for a lot of us, ... [ Read More ]
Getting Your Garden Tiller Ready for Spring
Spring is finally upon us and if you are like me, this means it is finally time to put the snow blower away just in time to break out the tiller. This is the perfect time of year to get an early start on preparing all of your gas powered equipment for what is sure to be yet another grueling season. If you were smart and did the right thing at the end of last summer, all of your power equipment should be sitting in the garage or shed with the gas drained out of the tank and ... [ Read More ]
Garden Tool Maintenance – Taking Care of all Of your Gardening Tools Year Around
Note From The Editor: Please welcome my husband, who has agreed to add to our blog with bits of wisdom from around the Homestead. I am creating a special maintenance and DIY category just for him. I look forward to all of his great ideas! Making Your Garden Tools Last Takes a Proper Maintenance Program Spring is finally creeping up on us and with it comes the time to check over all of your garden tools and make sure they are up to the task. If you had taken the time to prepare them for ... [ Read More ]