With cold weather creeping in, I've found myself spending a lot more of my free time indoors. With that being said, my house seems to be taking a blow from being occupied more, and it has become a complete disaster. Recently, I've started a winter deep clean, which has led me to replenishing my supply of cleaning materials. So, I wanted to do a round up of DIY cleaning supplies. I realize there are A LOT of different cleaning supplies, so I'll try to break it down by uses. Today I want to ... [ Read More ]
Create Your Own Fragrance
Spring is almost here which means that the flowers will soon be in full bloom, filling the air with sweet and fragrant smells that simply can't be matched. I am personally a huge fan of lilacs, as they always remind me of my childhood and the huge lilac bushes that still grace my parents' lawn. There's just something so relaxing about the scent, but artificial lilac perfume always tends to smell weird to me. Well, I found this fantastic tutorialĀ on Fresh Bites Daily today that shows you how ... [ Read More ]
Homemade Lip Balm Recipe
Well, according to the wisest groundhog in the US, we are in for another six weeks of winter this year, which means cold weather and plenty of chapped lips! One of our awesome forum members recently discovered this fantastic recipe for lip balm and gave it her stamp of approval! I haven't tried it yet, but you can bet I will be soon with all of the cold weather we're expecting this week! The recipe requires: beeswax pellets coconut oil Vitamin E oil Essential oil(s) of your choice ... [ Read More ]
5 Medicinal Herbs You Might Not Even Know You have In Your Yard
One of my latest interests that is rapidly turning into a passion is herbal medicines, I know from personal experience that they can be used for a lot of different things with good results, and because I can grow the ingredients myself and process them I know there is nothing in them that is bad for my family. The other problem with herbal remedies in the health food stores is that they are often quite expensive and frequently are old so have lost their potency. One of the best things about ... [ Read More ]