Don’t get me wrong, modern medicine has discovered many amazing things that help us out, but it seems like we are all starting to forget that most of the ingredients that go into creating things like antibiotics actually come from the Earth! Recently, there has even been some evidence sprouting up about negative effects of pharmaceutical antibiotics, such as bacterial residence in the stomach. There are tons of illnesses and even diseases that still respond to natural antibiotics, so before you hit the pharmacy see if there is an all-natural alternative for you! Not only will your body thank you, your wallet will too.
1) Garlic
Garlic is great for internal use, and since so many people ingest it anyway we know there are no long term side effects. Garlic is powerful enough to kill pathogens and bacteria, as well as fungus and even viruses. Garlic even boosts the immune system to help prevent the need for an antibiotic in the first place! You can find a guide to the benefits of garlic here.
2) Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is considered one of the most effective natural antibiotics. It’s most commonly used to treat bacterial infections, such as strep throat, and many people use it to disinfect their fruit and veggies.
3) Oregano Oil
There are a lot of different strains of oregano, and for maximum effectiveness you’ll want to look for oil that comes from wild oregano (origanum vulgare or thymus capitatus) and is golden or dark yellow.
Oregano oil functions great as an anti-fungal, so it is best used on foot fungus’, parasites, and infections. It can even be good for sinus infections— just dilute a few drops in boiling water and inhale the steam, or use your essential oil diffuser!
4) Ginger
Fun fact: Ginger is served with sushi, because throughout history it has been believed that ginger helps prevent food poisoning. Now, we have some science to back that up, and it has been shown that it really can fight food born illness. Ginger has a number of other benefits as well, including curbing nausea, soothing sore muscles, lower your cholesterol, and aid with healthy digestion.
5) Olive Leaf Extract
While there are actually some health benefits of pure olive oil, olive leaf extract has numerous antibiotic effects and actually comes from the same tree. Olive oil has been proven to improve your cardio health (including your blood pressure), reduce cancer risk, and improve brain function. There are a lot of other benefits to using olive leaf extract, and you can view a full list as well as some advice for using olive leaf here.
6) Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has been used as a healing element for thousands of years, by many different societies. Many people also use it therapeutically. While cayenne pepper is probably most famous for its ability to help with yeast infections, it can also help with sore throats, healthy digestion, and might even help prevent lung cancer! You can find a thorough list of cayenne pepper benefits here.
7) Echinacea
Echinacea is an herb, so it can be used in cooking, though it rarely. This herb fights infections such as tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, and upper respiratory infections. Echinacea can be ingested daily, if you choose, and can help prevent virus infections from happening!
8) Turmeric
Turmeric, like garlic, is often used in cooking but has many healing properties. It is best known as an anti-inflammatory, used to treat inflammation associated with chronic diseased. Turmeric also boosts antioxidants in the body, and hormones in the brain!
9) Raw Honey
Honey is pretty well known for having healing properties, and people often use it to sooth their sore throat. While is a tasty solution to a scratchy throat, there are a lot of other benefits. Honey has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and also boosts antioxidants.
10) Cinnamon
In the past, cinnamon was held at an extremely high value due to its healing properties. Cinnamon is another do everything antibiotic; it has antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. Cinnamon has even been used to treat diseases like Alzheimer’s and poly-cystic ovarian syndrome. Check out a full list of cinnamon benefits here.
You should always research natural remedies before using them, but these 10 natural antibiotics should be a good starter guide to natural healing! I recommend trying to add ones such as garlic, honey, and turmeric into your recipes— it’s an easy way to boost your health. Do you guys have any go-to natural antibiotics? Share with me in the comments below!
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