Whether you or your partner snores, you know that it can become quite a problem. If you’re one of the loud snorers, then it might even cause issues such as sleepless nights and even strain your relationships. However, before you go to extreme measures, try some of these natural remedies and methods for managing snoring first.
1. Sleep on your side
For many people, something as simple lying on your side can make a huge difference. If you normally sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate and fall into your throat causing you to snow as your airway becomes blocked. However, if you must sleep on your back, you might also try propping up your head with some pillows to help.
2. Avoid alcohol and sedatives
Alcohol, sedatives, sleeping pills, and similar things can relax your throat muscles so much that it makes you snore somewhat. If you have to take a sleep aid, then do your best to try one of the other options instead.
3. Humidify
A vaporizer or humidifier can sometimes help with snoring if your house is dry. Dry air can lead to congestion which, obviously, can lead to snoring. Just be careful you don’t make the air too humid.
4. Diffuse essential oils
There is a lot of research into essential oils that can help with snoring. A few that are proven that are said to help include lavender, marjoram, thyme, eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oil.
5. Lose weight
Generally speaking, overweight people tend to snore because there may be extra tissue in the throat, blocking the air passage. The only way to fix this is to lose weight.
Have you tried any of these? Has it worked for you? Know a method that we missed? Share in the comments below!
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