There is a reason for the phrase “grows like weeds”, and it can get quite annoying when those weeds start invading our planting zones! Rather than spraying a poison, something that can harm you and your family not to mention the Earth, you should try natural weed control.
There are quite a few methods to get rid of weeds without having to resort to poison, and some should actually save you money!
1) Smother Them
You can use newspaper or cardboard to kill weeds simply by covering the area with them! To make it more effective and less of an eyesore, you can add some mulch over the top. This can kill weeds in areas where they’re already sprouting, or prevent them from popping up in the first place. You’ll have to monitor this as when the cardboard/paper breaks down your weeds will start growing back, and this method is most effective with low-growing weeds.
2) Boiling Water
Obviously this isn’t the greatest technique if your whole yard is covered in weeds, but it’s a great spot treatment! Bring your leftover boiled water (from pasta, canning, etc) right to your yard and pour it onto your weeds! The hot water will shrivel up any plant, though, so be careful not to get it near anything you want to keep.
3) Vinegar
Vinegar works as a natural weed killer, but household vinegar only has a 5% acidity. For the vinegar to really tackle weeds, I recommend getting 10% – 20% acidity, but you’ll want to wear gloves!
4) Salt
Rock salt and table salt can function as a weed killer, so I recommend grabbing some rock salt at the end of winter. Salt is great for creating barriers for your weeds, so you should sprinkle it where your lawn mower can’t reach and along your sidewalk!
5) Use Your Chickens
While I don’t have chickens, people swear by using them to get rid of pests and weeds! Check out this article on Attainable Sustainable about how chickens can help out your yard.
Obviously, keep in mind that pulling and mowing weeds can be effective as well as long as you put the effort in. Weeds will also die off if more powerful plants start taking over! Do you guys have any all-natural ways that you fight weeds? Share with me in the comments below!
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