I’m a huge supporter of using all natural healers instead of turning to over the counter medicine or prescriptions, and because of that I love herbal remedies and, of course, essential oils. While there are a few different ways to use essential oils, I prefer to diffuse them or just inhale them directly, which makes this essential oil necklace the perfect option!
- Metal locket with holes to diffuse (craft stores)
- Metal neck chain
- 2 small metal jump rings
- Metal clasps
- Needle nose pliers
- Felt fabric
What to do
- Add your locket pendant to your neck chain. You’ll probably be able to slide it on, but if not follow steps 2 – 5 to add an additional jump ring to the bottom of your neck chain and attach the locket.
- Use your needle nose pliers to pull a part both jump ring enough to slide through the end of your necklace chain.
- Slide one jump ring through each end of the necklace chain.
- Add the metal clasp, by each end, onto the two jump rings.
- Squeeze the jump rings back together and close the gap you created.
- Cut small pieces of felt fabric to fit into your locket, add essential oils (1 – 5 drops), and enjoy! Refresh when needed.
**You can also make an essential oil necklace with an air dry clay! Check out directions here.
My favorite essential oils to wear are: lavender for a calming affect, peppermint for headaches, orange for a mood boost, and grapefruit or jasmine for a perfume. Which are your favorites?!
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