Since 2017 is newly upon us, I’m sure a lot of us are trying to refocus on our goals and potentially set some resolutions. I have said before that I don’t necessarily believe in new years resolutions, but if you don’t explicitly set a goal you’re a lot less likely to attain it. As its often said, a goal without a plan is just a wish.
Even then, only about 8% of people who do set resolutions for the year actually follow through. 25% give up in the first week. In the past, I’ve been super guilty of this (so I’m not judging) but an easy way to avoid giving up on your goals is to make sure they’re attainable. Here are 5 tips that will help you set goals that you can meet and be proud of in 2017!
1) Make a SMART goal.
- Specific— Make sure your goal is specific enough that you can create actual steps to follow in order to achieve it.
- Measurable— This goes hand in hand with being specific; Something broad, like “Be nicer in 2017” is definitely not measurable.
- Attainable— Is it possible? Don’t set yourself up for failure.
- Relevant— Make sure your goal is something that’s worth the work you’re putting in, and will actually benefit you!
- Time— You’ll want to put a time frame on your goal, and make sure it’s realistic.
2) Review the past, and base your goals of it.
Think about 2016 and everything that you wish you would’ve accomplished but didn’t, or simply things you wish you could have done better. This is one of the easiest ways to find your goals for 2017, and it should give you an idea on how to complete them by reviewing where you went wrong last year.
3) Write them down.
Arguably, this is the most important step of goal planning. I recommend putting your goals in more places than one; create a list in your planner, make a dream board for your bedroom, add alerts to your phone, do whatever you can to help keep your goals at the front of your mind.
4) Break them down and make a plan.
If you’re goals are big and won’t be accomplished in a quick and simple manner, break it down into smaller, more achievable goals. For example, if you want to pay off your debt this year, start by cutting your food budget in January, giving up some spending in February, supplementing your income in March, etc. This will help you feel like you’ve accomplished things, and keep your motivation high.
5) Track your progress and motivate yourself.
Branching off the last tip, you should review your progress every now and then, and if you’re doing good whose to say you don’t deserve a little reward?! Alternatively, it can tell you if you’re behind and need to make a change.
Setting goals and working towards them doesn’t have to be stressful; in fact, often times it is rewarding.
What goals do you have for your homestead in 2017, and do you have any strategies for meeting them that I missed? Share with me in the comments!
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