All the effort that I made to getting my garden put in early is really paying off, our harvest is starting to arrive in and most cases it is a few weeks earlier that most around here.
We have had all the usual spring crops and also have baby carrots, zucchini, cabbage and Cauliflower and the first signs of cukes and tomatoes. Our corn is waist high already and I have baby peas and green beans that we are anxiously awaiting. The onions have reached the stage where we can start pulling and using some of them as well, and the potatoes have flowers already so I am itching to start digging around and see if there are any yummy baby potatoes in there for us. I must not forget the strawberries and raspberries we did not expect this year, and are not enough to do anything with but have been a nice treat to enjoy.
The weather has been very hot and our well is not strong so things are not growing as robustly as they could. Our neighbor has offered use of their water, which I am hopefully going to take them up on but for now I am watering as much as I am able and praying for a good rainstorm.
Our freezer is about to be filled to the brim with the last of our chickens too so we will have plenty of food here soon. I wish I had been able to get a couple of pigs this year, but I am just happy to have what we have it has made a huge dent in our food bill, I only spend maybe $50 a week even that is sporadic.
It could not come at a better time, our main client stopped contracting with us this week, that hurt, it was most of our income, but I have no doubt our family will eat well because of all of the work that we did this spring!!
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