For the past 16 years I have been online in one form or another, either owning websites, writing for them, or spending time on them. Last week I sold the last of my blogs, and have called my internet life quits. This includes OFF, and while I will miss the people here that have followed me, as well as those on the forums, I am excited to be moving on to another life, something that has been missing in my world for years.
Starting in January I am going back to college. My main focus of study is art. This is something I wanted to do since I was in high school. That 35 years ago! I got married instead, raised 5 kids over the course of the past 31 years and when I thought about it I indulged in my art here and there. But since art was not “practical” I did not take it seriously. I did indulge a lot in my other passion homesteading, and that love is what gave birth to OFF.
A year and a half ago though I left my homestead, and moved to the city. Since then I have been struggling to stay engaged with OFF. With every passing month it became harder and harder.
Part of me was burned out on internet and writing, another part of me was sad that I was no longer living the homestead lifestyle. In the end what I finally realized is that life has been calling me to finish unfinished business and live the dream I never got to live.
So that is what I am going to do. I am going to stop trying to split myself in two, and move in the direction my heart and soul have been telling me to go for some time now.
I will miss the life, enough that I hope someday when I am done getting my degrees that I will come back to it. I do not think I will ever come back to blogging or spending so much time on the internet, I am really looking forward to taking a long break from electronics and getting reacquainted with the real world, but I think it is entirely possible someday you might find me digging in the dirt in Washington State.
I will miss all of you, and the world we shared. Thanks for the time you spend following me and my blog.
– Patty Getz
Good Luck to you Patty! I hope you find what has been missing and enjoy both the art classes and your new life away from the internet. Thank you for forming this group and bringing us all together. Best wishes~~Billow
Good luck and enjoy what is to come…it is wonderful here in Washington state. We would be lucky to have you here!!!! Live, love and breath your art!!!
I have only just seen your emails Patty. I wish you all the luck in the world with your new venture. Thankyou for the lovely site you created.
Best Wishes
Thank you for what you have done and shared. The best to you and your new life!