I admit, I'm a little bit a clean freak. My house remains in pretty pristine shape, as I follow a cleaning routine and it makes the upkeep very easy. Plus, I actually kind of like cleaning. It's satisfying. But, not everyone is weird and enjoys cleaning like me, so you might be someone who wishes there was an easier way to get the cleaning done. Unfortunately, that's not what I'm writing about today. As far as I know (unless you want to hire a maid or cleaner) manual labor is pretty much the ... [ Read More ]
5 Things to Make With Lavender Flowers
By now, you guys know I am a sucker for natural remedies as well as making my own supplies. Isn't that what being old fashioned is all about? With that being said, while lavender has a bunch of healing benefits, (click here to see why it's my favorite essential oil for your starter pack) lavender flowers are easily incorporated into useful household supplies, too! To continue on the path of natural remedies and DIY supplies, and as a follow up to 7 things you can be making with coconut oil, ... [ Read More ]
How to Check Your Seeds Before Planting Them
One of the most frustrating parts of gardening can be seeds that never sprout! Any kind of bad germination rate could make you feel like you are doing something wrong, but there's at least a chance that it isn't your fault! ;) If you happen to have seeds that might be a little older, or you perhaps didn't store them as carefully as you should have, or even if its a batch of seeds you've had horrible luck with in the past, you can actually test them before you try to add them to your ... [ Read More ]
How To Set Attainable Goals for Your Homestead
Since 2017 is newly upon us, I'm sure a lot of us are trying to refocus on our goals and potentially set some resolutions. I have said before that I don't necessarily believe in new years resolutions, but if you don't explicitly set a goal you're a lot less likely to attain it. As its often said, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Even then, only about 8% of people who do set resolutions for the year actually follow through. 25% give up in the first week. In the past, I've been super ... [ Read More ]
Essential Oils You Need in Your Starter Kit
If you're looking to start a journey with essential oils, even if you've read my introduction on how to use them, you could be feeling a little overwhelmed. There are countless essential oils out there, not to mention a ton of different mixtures. With so many options, how do you know where to start? Today I'd like to give you guys a basic for building your essential oil starter kit. I'm a sucker for all-natural remedies, and these 8 oils will help benefit your body and mind without taking a ... [ Read More ]
Items You Should Be Buying in Bulk
With 2017 upon us, it's a great time to set ourselves some new goals. While I am not a huge believer in new years "resolutions" per say, I do think that January 1st is a great time to refocus your priorities, both short and long term, and work towards those goals. One of my main goals for the year is to get my finances in order, so I've been working on getting the best value for my money. One of the easiest ways to cut down on your month-to-month grocery bill (at least you'll save money ... [ Read More ]
8 Essential Oil Solutions for the Homestead
If you haven't already, you should definitely look into beginning a journey with essential oils. Not only can they help your own body and mind, but they can help you in all sorts of ways around the homestead. There are endless ways to use essential oils, but today I wanted to focus on 8 ways essential oils can benefit you around the homestead! They're great all-natural ways to keep your animals happy and healthy, keep pests at a distance, and even help with bug bites and sunburns you might get ... [ Read More ]
12 Meals for Around $5
Here at Old Fashioned Families, we are all about being self-sufficient. Cooking our own meals at home is one of the easiest ways to accomplish that, and what's great is typically it can save us a few dollars too! Even if you are trying to save some money and cut back on your grocery bill, you don't need to sacrifice taste. ... [ Read More ]
7 Things You Can Make With Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is nearly magical. It has a wide variety of uses— it can be used topically, making it a great addition to your beauty supplies, and you can cook with it at high temperatures without losing its structure like most cooking oils, making it the smart and healthy choice for your kitchen as well. But, other than the obvious things like replacing your olive oil with coconut oil, how do you incorporate it into your daily routine so that you can reap the benefits? You would be surprised ... [ Read More ]
10 Healing Foods Straight From the Kitchen
There are a ton of all-natural ingredients that contain healing or immune boosting properties that I fear are often overlooked. In today's world, many of us are quick to run to the drug store each time we have an issue instead of focusing on what natural remedies we might have, or even preventing sickness before it happens! There are a ton of healing foods in the world, but today I thought we could start with 10. You'll probaly have most of these ingredients in your kitchen already, and the ... [ Read More ]